Friday, December 17, 2010

The Black Blob in my Videos

 EDIT: I am no longer making posts in this domain. Please follow me over to to keep following my makeup journey

So considering I haven't done a posting in a while I thought I would introduce the black blob that is normally sitting in the background of my videos.

This is Salem. He is my black domestic short hair cat and he is my baby. He's about 6 or 7 years old now, so I've had him since I was 15. I got him after a trip to Geelong with some friends of mine and my friend Danni decided that she wanted to bring home a furry friend. When her parents decided that she couldn't have a male cat (they already had 2 females), I convinced my parents to let me have him (took me about 12 hours, but they eventually said yes).

He can sometimes go into what I call "Satan Mode" where he decides that he wants to climb up the curtains and chase his toys like a nutter. When he starts to do that, everyone knows not to go near him because it is a sure sign that you will soon be attacked.

He can be annoying at times but throughout hard times he has been my constant companion as is the only male that hasn't let me down so far. He's always good for a cuddle on cold nights and enjoys sleeping under the covers with me in winter, I often walk in after being out all day, put something on my bed and hear a complaining meow because I've put my bag on top of him lol.

1 comment:

  1. Awww what a cutey.
    I used to have a black shaddow. He followed me everywhere in the house. Came with me even to the bathroom and and wanted me to turn the water on so he could drink from the sink. He was a bit lazy. But oh so nice and lovely. Never had any fits.
    Miss him so. ( But now I have a tall dark handsome at my side).
